Blasting News believes in transparency and honesty, being committed to informing its readers when it has made a mistake (however big or small), conveying the error’s severity, and providing the correct information as soon as the mistake is spotted. The process to report errors from within articles is made easy to understand, by providing an email address and form to contact us at the beginning of each article.

When an error is detected within an article or one of our fact checks, Blasting News immediately works to find the correct information and clearly display the corrections wherever possible within the article. The corrections will include:

  • The correct information;
  • What was originally published that was incorrect;
  • The date (and time, if available) when the change took place.

Whenever errors cannot be amended within the body of an article’s content, corrections are displayed clearly in the last paragraph of the news content. Rather than completely remove the content containing a mistake, we provide clarification and admittance of our mistakes to preserve transparency. Here you can find an updated list with our corrections.

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