The "Fake News" project (PO FESR 2014-2020 – Azione 1.1.5 cod. progetto 086201000451), promoted by Regione Sicilia, has been assigned to Blasting News in agreement with University of Palermo. The project aims to develop integrated mechanisms (automatic, semi-automatic and manual) of authenticity evaluation of the news published on Blasting News. This project will be developed through algorithms and processes that are already in use during the editorial production process realised by Blasting News' Reviewers, who fact check the news written by contributors. The News published on Blasting News are checked based on principles of fairness, respect of editorial guidelines (absence of click baiting) and absence of contents copied from other sources (plagiarism or auto-plagiarism). This process of internal control has the ambition to grow into a semi-automatic check system of the news, its source's authenticity ("fact checking") and, as a sub-product, the quality of the news itself on many other levels (legibility, comprehensibility, promptness, utility, and so on). The project also aims to develop an indicators' system associable with each article and (entirely or partially) shareable with the readers.